Saturday, April 26, 2014

Unable to Start Oracle Unified Directory


On RHEL 5.6, installed Oracle Unified Directory from

After installation into $MW_HOME/Oracle_OUD1 and configuration don't start the directory server as the directories $MW_HOME/Oracle_OUD1/logs and $MW_HOME/Oracle_OUD1/locks are not created by the oud-setup program.  Create these manually before starting the directory server.  If the directory server is started by oud-setup, then you are unable to stop using the stop-ds command because there is no file (stop-ds looks for this in the locks directory).  I ended up de-installing/re-installing when this first happened.

When trying to start using start-ds, the following error message is thrown:

severity=SEVERE_ERROR msgID=2359728 msg=The LDAP connection handler defined in configuration entry cn=LDAP Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config was unable to bind to  IOException(Address already in use)


cd $MW_HOME/Oracle_OUD1/config
cp -p config.ldif config.ldif.bak
vi config.ldif
Change this:
ds-cfg-listen-port: 389
ds-cfg-listen-port: 1389

Then issue start command.

Thanks to a anonymous reader for sharing the correct location as to where the true stop/start commands are:

cd $MW_HOME/asinst_1/OUD/bin

and issue the start command from there.


  1. I ran into the same problem however the solution is to use the start-ds and stop-ds scripts in the directory instance created by oud-setup. Try using the scripts in $MW_HOME/asinst_1/OUD/bin instead.

  2. Thanks for the correction. I noticed I wasn't paying attention when trying to re-start.

    So, yes make a note that you are in the correct directory before issuing the start-ds/stop-ds commands.

  3. Hey! I'm trying to launch oud on win 2008server from directory C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_OUD1\bat and here's the message I get : ''The Directory Server could not acquire an exclusive lock on file c:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_OUD1\locks\server.lock: The attempt to obtain an exclusive lock on file C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_OUD1\locks\server.lock was reje
    cted because the attempt to create the lock file failed: IOException. This generally means that another instance of this server is already running''. Actually, I don't have $MW_HOME/asinst_1/OUD. Thanks !

  4. Then I think their is something wrong with the creation of your OUD instance. You should have an asinst_1/OUD dir and that is where the stop/start commands should be issued from.

    Have you tried re-installing?

  5. you should go to asinst_1/OUD to stop and start instance. It will not throw error. starting and stopping should not be done at Oracle_OUD1

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